
A nation of carbohydrate lovers

Too many carbohydrates not enough fats?

The answer is a resounding YES! We do consume far too many calories from carbohydrates. They are quick and easy to consume and manufacturers produce carbohydrate based snacks and foods by the millions of tones. That is precisely what is making is over-weight.

Not enough oil creates fat in the body

However we also don’t consume enough healthy fats or oils as we might prefer to call them. What oils we do consume by and large come from damaged oils, (a result of processing or overcooking in the saucepan).

Essentially more than half of the oil we consume daily, out of 100g let’s say more than 50% is damaged oils; this is the norm for most of us. In order to get a handle on our health we need to reverse this process and make good oil the major source of our energy.

To do this we need to take more of our carbohydrate energy from vegetables. This is important since good oils gives us increased and stable energy unlike carbohydrates which leads to blood sugar highs and lows, which can lead to mood changes and most importantly fat production in the body. When we consume good oil – this turns on the fat burning mechanism, whereas carbohydrates turn on the fat production mechanism.

The best fats to consume

The best oils to consume are omega 3 & 6 in almost equal ratios. These should be consumed in a neat form as possible, without processing, packaging, exposed to light or oxygen. These oils have to be consumed as the body needs it and cannot make it, itself, thus we have to get it from the food we eat. Omega 3 and 6 are essential to every gland and organ in the body, in fact it is the only mineral that is an absolute must for every human and animal.

If we consumed sufficient level of omega 3 & 6 it might also prevent us from consuming some of the other bad fats we eat, as consuming oils will keep us full for longer. That sounds like a good trade off to me.

The notion of eating loads of almonds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, avocado’s, fish… seems like a pretty good diet to me.

For more information on the benefits of Omega 3 & 6. and which ingredients are rich in these nutrients contact

To learn more about the right kind of diets to protect the body look at our nutritional cookery class 10th July 2012 at The cooking Academy – Cookery school

TheCookingAcademyisLondon’s leading CookerySchool, innovative in it s approach putting healthy ingredients at the heart of everything they teach.


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