Corporate cookery classes & Team Building Events
Corporate cookery classes & team Building Events are one of my favourite cookery class events. The delegates are a totally mixed bunched of people who have not necessarily elected to ‘learn to cook’ or have not really considered it necessary to attend a cookery class to enhance their culinary experience, even if dinner is usually out of a jar. So you pretty much know you’re going to have some challenges.
None the less – they are fun challenges, usually very entertaining, and full of hilarity as soon as the competition element is introduced. Oh my! the mayhem begins and responsible adults will do anything to steal a march on their colleagues. None more so than our team building event today with a banking client who are trying to rebuild a team and set targets for next year.
These things are often seen as jollies, but i would say one thing, groups of people who dont normal work in a team do so for the sake of winning. Their natural competitive streak wants to storm off ahead and run with the gauntlet but their lack of skills in certain areas hold them back and their reliance on co-operation is imperative.
Within this cookery team building scenario the strategic players will even plan ahead to hone out the individual skills of teams members to play their best hand by using the skills within the team to maximum use . Corporate team building at its best!
For further information regarding our Corpoorate Cookery teambuilding events please contact Cara Brummitt on 01923 720 697 or email her on or visit our website on

Kumud Gandhi is a Nutritional Food Scientist bestselling Author, Broadcaster, and Keynote Speaker on the subject of nutritional health for productivity & performance in the workplace. In 2010 Kumud founded ‘The Cooking Academy’ a cookery school that focusses on cooking for nutritional health and wellbeing. Kumud regularly presents to international audiences on a variety of topics such as ‘Eating for Immunity and a Lifetime of Wellness’. She is an expert in the field of Wellness in the Workplace and works with organizations to create transformational change in employee health & well-being through nutrition and health coaching.