
Alternative Recipes for Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts! Are you still boiling yours ?

Love or loathe them, they’re a fabulous little winter vegetable packed with earthy flavour and goodness, their medicinal qualities are somewhat overshadowed by their reputation for smelly after-effects. But it all depends on what you do with them. So here are 3 alternative recipes:

Steam the sprouts with just 50 ml water and covered either in the microwave or on the hob. Once fully cooked, mash with parmesan cheese, some double cream a little black pepper and salt to season – serve them as an alternative mash potato or bubble & squeak patties.

Another alternative is to toss them in a little butter, a generous helping of garlic and sliced almonds, fry on a high heat for 2 minutes, then turn them out into a baking tray and roast for 30 minutes. Serve with any other main course dish

My third suggestion is equally simple, quick and tasty. Tossing a knob of butter into a baking tray, add some pancetta or lardons, the raw sprouts topped and tailed, some chesnuts and some rosemary, mix together and roast for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Once cooked, season with a little pepper, salt is unnecessary as it will come from the pancetta or lardons.

Nutritional Value of the ‘Super food’ league

Brussel Sprouts are high in antioxidant properties, they have three times the level of vitamin C of an orange. Unlike most vegetables, Brussel Sprouts are high in protein as well, providing just over a quarter of their calories. Four-to-six sprouts contain the adult daily requirements for vitamin C. They’re also an excellent source of vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin K, beta-carotene, potassium and folic acid during pregnancy. As if this wasn’t enough, Brussels sprouts contain numerous cancer-fighting phytochemicals in the form of glucosinolates. A 100 g serving of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 35 calories, 2.3 g of protein, no cholesterol, 0.4 g of fat, 7.2 g of carbohydrate, and 3.3 g of fibre. With such an impressive resume their definately worth their salt!

Recipes by Kumud Gandhi – founder of The Cooking Academy- a Cookery school in Hertfordshire that puts the medicinal value of food at the heart of everything they teach. For further infromation please contact Sonia Basra at The Cooking Academy 01923 778880


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