Why should we eat fish – Learn to cook fish
Let’s face it. That iron trap of a vault you call your mind, can at times, let important information leak out. Hey, it happens to all of us. I know that you all know that eating fish is very healthy, but in all honesty how often do we eat fish? And why don’t we eat fish?
The importance of fish in your diet!
In our cookery classes here at The Cooking Academy I have long extolled the virtues of fish as a protein over other meats. The problem is, most people are not so comfortable with fish! We don’t know where to buy fish – whether the supermarket counter fish is fresh enough, what type of fish to buy and most of all how to cook it!
So with fish being such a mystery to all, it’s little wonder that there is such a resistence to the take up of fish in comparision to the consumption of chicken and other red meats.
So here’s the solution to the problem , I’m going to start by providing some pretty compellng reasons to eat fish and then I’m going to provide fish cookery courses to teach you how to cook fish in several different ways, thereby, extending your cookery repetoire quite dramatically and your diet even more significantly. Fish cookery classes!
The medicinal benefits of eating fish
Omega-3 Fatty Acids- Many types of fish contain the omega-3 fatty acids, an essential oil that has many proven benefits. Perhaps the main benefits of omega-3 are that it plays a large role in keeping your arteries free of blockage and lowers your blood pressure. In turn, your risk of heart disease dramatically decreases. Omega 3 is also very good for the immune system and helps reduce inflammation in your body. As a result, you stand less of a chance of developing arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. I would also go a step further and say Omega-3 is very good for brain development and new studies are showing their positive effects on slowing down brain degenerative disease and positively impacting on cognitive functions, depression and concentration. The types of fish that are particular high in omega-3 are salmon, tuna, and trout. (Omega 3 can also be obtained by eating foods such as tofu and other forms of soybeans, walnuts and Linseed. Their oils are recommended because they contain alpha-linolenic acid, which can change into omega-3 fatty acid in the body. )
Low Saturated Fat- The omega-3 found in some fish is a type of polyunsaturated fat, a good fat. On the other hand, as you know, saturated fat causes problems if you eat too much of it. While your body does need small amounts of saturated fat, you want to limit it to less than 10% of your calorific intake. When you choose fish over beef, lamb or pork you’re cutting out the artery clogging saturated fat – that can also cause cholesterol.
Vitamins & Minerals – Many varieties of fish also provide the required RDA, for example one serving of salmon gives you 100% of the required vitamin D and 50% B12. Canned fish such as sardines contain soft, digestible bones that provide your body with much-needed calcium. Fish like halibut provide you with almost a quarter of your daily dose of magnesium, which helps calm you and keep you regular. (remember as much as 50% of British women are deficient in Magnesium – an important mineral to balance the nervous system)
Protein Packed Amino Acids – Substituting fish into the rotation a few days a week allows you to get away from some of the more standard, fatty sources of protein like pork or beef. Fresh fish contains complete protein sources with all the amino acids your body needs to maintain a healthy metabolism. In a normal /active metabolism, your body will use the protein as fuel for weight loss.
Mercury If your worried about mercury levels in consuming more fish, then don’t bother – you would have to be consuming extraordinary amounts of fish to suffer mercury poisoning. Furthermore mercury is only really present in larger fish such as shark and swordfish. Albacore tuna also presents a possibility for mercury poisoning and should be eaten in moderation. However, more common fish such as salmon, catfish, and canned light tuna have minimal levels of mercury, so indulge.
Written by Kumud Gandhi – She is a writer, broadcaster and Founder of The Cooking Academy – a cookery school that puts the nutritional value of ingredients at the heart of everything they teach.
To find out more information about our Fish Cookery classes or learning to cook fish please contact Cara Brummitt on 01923 720 697 or email her on cara@thecookingacademy.co.uk
Kumud Gandhi is a Nutritional Food Scientist bestselling Author, Broadcaster, and Keynote Speaker on the subject of nutritional health for productivity & performance in the workplace. In 2010 Kumud founded ‘The Cooking Academy’ a cookery school that focusses on cooking for nutritional health and wellbeing. Kumud regularly presents to international audiences on a variety of topics such as ‘Eating for Immunity and a Lifetime of Wellness’. She is an expert in the field of Wellness in the Workplace and works with organizations to create transformational change in employee health & well-being through nutrition and health coaching.